Chapter I
General provisions
§ 1
The Local Tourist Organization, hereinafter referred to as “LOT”, is an association of associations within the meaning of Article 22 of the Act of April 7, 1989 Law on Associations.
§ 2
The area of operation of LOT is the territory of the Republic of Poland and the seat of the LOT authorities is the city of Przemyśl.
LOT can operate abroad.
LOT may establish local branches
§ 3
- LOT as an association of associations has legal personality.
LOT operates in accordance with the Act of June 25, 1999 on the Polish Tourist Organization, the Law on Associations of April 7 and its subsequent amendments, and these statutes.
§ 4
LOT may be a member of national and international organizations with the same or similar statutory objectives
§ 5
LOT may use a seal and have an organizational badge according to the pattern established by the General Assembly in accordance with applicable regulations.
Goals and means of action
§ 6
The aim of LOT’s activities is the development of tourism in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, tourist promotion of the region and the development of cooperation of the local government of the poviat, city, communes, organizations associating tourist entrepreneurs, tourist associations, as well as other entities operating in the field of tourism.
- LOT’s tasks are in particular:
1). increasing the competitiveness of the district’s tourism product;
2). developing and improving promotion and tourist information;
3). preparation and substantive support of development programs and modernization of tourist infrastructure;
4). initiating and conducting marketing and monitoring research on tourism in the district;
5). performing other tasks entrusted by local government units, organizations of tourist entrepreneurs, tourist associations and other entities;
6). coordinating activities in the planning and implementation of tourist events.
§ 7
LOT achieves its goals through:
1). developing the district’s existing tourism products;
2). creating new tourist products of the region;
3). participation in activities for the protection of valuable cultural and natural resources of the area as components of a competitive tourism product;
4). participation in activities to improve the natural environment, aimed at increasing the tourist image of the region;
5). participation in domestic and foreign tourism fairs;
6). cooperation with the Tourist Information Center;
7). organization of study tours;
8). supporting tourist promotion conducted by local governments, economic entities and other institutions;
9). conducting publishing activities, cooperating with the mass media and implementing other forms of promotion and advertising;
10). disseminating the results of the marketing research carried out in the voivodeship;
11). conducting courses and training for the development of tourism;
12). cooperation with government administration bodies, local government administration bodies, with the Polish Tourist Organization, regional and local tourist organizations and business entities, as well as with organizations operating in the field of tourism;
13). conducting business activities, the income from which is allocated to the implementation of statutory objectives:
1.Retail sale of non-food goods in specialized stores, nec (52.48.G).
2.Wholesale of other household and personal goods (51.47.Z).
3.Caravan sites, including those for caravans (55.22.Z).
4.Tourist hostels (55.21.Z).
5.Other short-term accommodation not elsewhere classified (55.23.Z).
6.Other catering establishments (55.30.B).
7.Other tourist activities (63.30.D).
8.Activities of travel agencies (63.30.A).
9.Travel agency activities (63.30.B).
10.Activities of tourist offices (63.30.C).
11.Other forms of education not elsewhere classified (80.42.Z).
12.Activities of institutions organizing driving license courses (81.41.Z).
13.Rental of personal and household goods (71.40.Z).
14.Activities of cultural facilities (92.32.Z).
15.Other sports related activities (92.62.Z).
16.Activities related to the organization of fairs and exhibitions (74.84.A).
17.Advertisement (74.40.Z).
18.Photography activities (74.81.Z).
14). obtaining aid funds for the implementation of statutory objectives.
Chapter III
Members, their rights and obligations.
§ 8
1. LOT members are divided into:
1). ordinary members,
2). honorary members.
2. An ordinary member may be associations, municipalities, Przemyśl poviat and city as well as other natural and legal persons upon notification of their will to join LOT in writing, upon payment of the entry fee and acceptance by the LOT Management Board.
3. An ordinary member of LOT has the right to:
1) choose and be elected to the LOT authorities;
2) file applications regarding LOT’s operations;
3). Take part in trainings, conferences and other events organized by LOT;
4) inspect the minutes of General Meetings and reports on LOT’s activities;
5) use organizational and technical assistance and counseling;
use the LOT badge (annually in writing).
4. Admitting and removing from the list of supporting members takes place on the basis of a resolution of the Management Board.
5. A natural or legal person of particular merit for LOT may become an honorary member. Honorary membership is awarded on the basis of a resolution of the General Assembly.
§ 9
The statutory duties of ordinary members include:
1) compliance with the provisions of the Articles of Association, regulations and resolutions of LOT authorities;
2) active participation in the implementation of the statutory goals;
3) taking part in General Meetings organized by LOT;
4). Representing LOT with dignity and caring for its good name;
5) regular payment of membership fees;
6). Popularizing tourism issues.
§ 10
The statutory duties of honorary members include active support of LOT’s statutory activities.
§ 11
Loss of the rights of a LOT member takes place pursuant to a resolution of the Management Board in the event of:
1) voluntary withdrawal from LOT, notified in writing to the Management Board;
2) put into liquidation or bankruptcy;
3) exclusion from LOT for a gross violation of the provisions of the Articles of Association, regulations or resolutions of LOT authorities;
4). Removal from the list of LOT members for failure to pay membership fees for a period of one year, despite a written reminder.
§ 12
The excluded and removed from the list of members or not accepted as LOT members have the right to appeal to the next General Meeting within 14 days of receiving the resolution of the Management Board.
LOT authorities
§ 13
- LOT authorities are:
1). General Assembly;
2). Management Board;
3) Audit Committee.
The General Assembly consists of representatives elected by the authorized bodies of ordinary members. Each ordinary member shall be represented by one representative elected for a four-year term of office. After the expiry of the term of office, the representative shall act until a new representative is elected.
The representative referred to in section 1 may be changed during the term of office by the body which elected him.
The term of office of the Management Board and the Audit Committee is four years, and members are elected by secret ballot. After the expiry of the term of office, the members of the Management Board and the Audit Committee remain active until the day a new Management Board and Audit Committee are elected.
General Assembly
The General Assembly, which is the highest authority of LOT, may be ordinary, extraordinary or election reporting.
§ 15
The competences of the General Assembly include:
1). Approval of the LOT Statute and its amendments;
2) election and dismissal of the Management Board and the Audit Committee;
3). Announcing the amount of contributions, membership fees and the rules for their payment;
4). Approval of LOT’s action plans and financial plans;
5) approving financial statements and considering reports on the activities of the Management Board and the Audit Committee, as well as adopting resolutions on granting or refusing to grant discharge to the Management Board at the request of the Audit Committee;
6) adopting resolutions on the purchase, sale or encumbrance of real estate;
7) authorizing the Management Board to contract credits and loans;
8). Examination of appeals against resolutions of the Management Board regarding exclusion, removal from the list of members or non-admission to membership;
9) awarding the dignity of LOT’s honorary member;
10). Adopting the regulations of the General Meeting and other regulations of LOT;
11) adopting resolutions on the dissolution of LOT;
12). Establishing the rules for covering expenses related to the participation of LOT representatives in the performance of statutory tasks;
13). Establishing the rules for reimbursing expenses to members of LOT authorities;
14). Establishing LOT branch offices.
§ 16
The Ordinary General Meeting is convened by the Management Board, at least once a year, by notifying all members in writing, including the agenda, at least 14 days before the date of the General Meeting.
The General Reporting and Election Meeting is convened every four years.
The Ordinary General Meeting may adopt resolutions if 72 members entitled to vote participate in the deliberations, subject to the provisions of § 17.
The General Meeting may adopt resolutions on matters included in the agenda if the number of members present is:
1). In the first term, at least 72 entitled to vote;
2) on the second date, irrespective of the number of people entitled to vote, provided that the date was specified in the notification. The second date is set 60 minutes after the first.
§ 18
1. Resolutions of the General Meeting are passed by a simple majority of votes in an open vote, unless the provisions of the Articles of Association provide otherwise.
2. Elections to LOT authorities are by secret ballot.
1. The Extraordinary General Meeting is convened by the Management Board on its own initiative or at the request of:
1) the Audit Committee;
2) .1 / 3 of the number of ordinary members.
2. The Extraordinary General Meeting deliberates on the matters for which it was convened, and the provisions of §16, 17 and 18 apply to the procedure and manner of its conduct.
3. The Extraordinary General Meeting should be held within 30 days from the date of adopting a resolution or submitting a motion.
LOT Management Board
§ 20
The Management Board is the executive body of LOT, manages LOT’s operations and is responsible for its work before the General Assembly.
The tasks of the Management Board are performed with the help of the Management Office managed by the Director.
§ 21
1. The Management Board is competent in all LOT matters not statutorily reserved for other authorities.
2. The scope of activities of the Management Board includes in particular:
1) external representation of LOT’s interests;
2) .cooperation with government and self-government administration bodies, political and social organizations and other institutions in matters relating to statutory activities;
3) adopting resolutions on admission or removal from the list of members or exclusion;
4) submitting annual financial statements and reports on the activities of the Management Board at the General Meeting;
5) convening General Meetings and preparing motions for the General Meeting;
6) implementing resolutions and motions of the General Meetings;
7) making decisions on property matters of LOT, with the exception of matters falling within the competence of the General Meeting;
8). Applying for badges and awards for meritorious services for tourism.
§ 22
The Management Board consists of 5 to 9 people, including the president, two vice-presidents, secretary, treasurer and members of the Management Board.
The Vice-President replaces the President in his absence, subject to § 31 section 1.
The number of members of the Management Board is determined each time by the General Meeting.
The Management Board may request that its composition be supplemented with new members to replace the resigning members in a number not exceeding 1/3 of the elected Management Board composition.
Meetings of the Management Board are held as needed, however, at least once a quarter.
The organization and mode of work of the Management Board are defined in the regulations adopted by the General Meeting.
Chapter VII
Revision Committee
§ 25
The Audit Committee consists of 3 to 5 people, including the chairman and secretary.
The number of members of the Audit Committee is determined each time by the General Meeting.
The provisions of § 23 section 4 regarding co-option shall apply accordingly.
§ 26
The powers of the Audit Committee include:
1). Examining and analyzing at least once a year the entirety of LOT’s operations, and above all its financial management, in terms of legality, purposefulness and regularity of expenses, including the audit of the annual financial statements and control of premium payment;
2) issuing post-inspection recommendations and determining the methods and dates of removing irregularities;
3) submitting reports on its activities to the General Meeting;
4) applying for granting or not granting a vote of approval to the Management Board.
Detailed rules and procedure of the Audit Committee are set out in the regulations of the Audit Committee adopted by the General Meeting.
LOT’s assets
LOT’s assets include real estate, movables and other property rights as well as cash.
LOT’s assets come from the following sources:
1). Membership fees and entry fees;
2) inflows from economic activity;
3) donations and donations.
The economy of LOT and its regional branches is conducted on the basis of an annual financial plan adopted by the General Meeting in accordance with applicable regulations.
Declarations of will on behalf of LOT are made by the President of the Management Board.
Two members of the Management Board, including the President, make declarations of will regarding the disposal of property and incurring property liabilities in excess of EUR 3,000.
LOT office
Administrative and technical support for LOT is provided by the LOT Office, managed by the Director.
The Director of the Office is employed and dismissed by the Management Board.
The Director of the Office implements the resolutions of the Management Board in accordance with the estimated expenses of the Office.
The principles of remunerating employees of the Office are established by the Management Board.
Change of the Statute of LOT
§ 32
Amending the Articles of Association requires a resolution of the General Meeting, adopted by a majority of 2/3 votes, with the presence of at least half of the members entitled to vote.
The dissolution of LOT requires a resolution of the General Meeting, adopted by a majority of 2/3 votes, with the presence of at least half of the members entitled to vote.
§ 33
In the event of adopting a resolution to dissolve LOT, the General Meeting elects a five-person Liquidation Committee. The members of the Liquidation Committee are three members of the Management Board and two members of the Audit Committee.
The resolution on the dissolution of LOT specifies the liquidation procedure and the purpose for which LOT’s assets are allocated.